Karate is the art of unarmed self-defence. karate- do is a japanese phrase meaning kara-empty, te-hand, do-way, or the way of the empty hand. the body as a whole is used as weapon through techniques of punching.

Kicking. striking. and blocking. there is no binding of age or gender in getting training of karate.

Primary importance in the study of karate are from. balance, ”centered-ness” power, speed, kime (explosive concentration 0f power), rhythm and timing. the quality to accomplish this is self-control. to become a victor, one must first overcome one’s self.

karate is a centuries old martial art, formally introduced in japan by Master Gichin Funakoshi. Since the 1950, karate has been practiced throughout the world. karate is an excellent exercise,

Funakoshi Gichi

Founder Shotokan Karate

Gichin Funakoshi is the founder of Shotokan Karate-Do, perhaps the most widely known style of karate, and is attributed as being the “father of modern karate”. Following the teachings of Anko Itosu and Anko Asato, he was one of the Okinawan karate masters who introduced karate to the Japanese mainland in 1922. He taught karate at various Japanese universities and became honorary head of the Japan Karate Association upon its establishment in 1949.

Nakayama Masatoshi

First JKA Headmaster

Masatoshi Nakayama was an internationally renowned Japanese master of Shotokan karate. He helped establish the Japan Karate Association (JKA) in 1949, and wrote many textbooks on karate, which served to popularize his martial art. For almost 40 years, until his death in 1987, Nakayama worked to spread Shotokan karate around the world. He was the first master in Shotokan history to attain the rank of 9th dan while alive, and was posthumously awarded the rank of 10th dan.

Jan G. Knobel, 8 Dan

President World JKA Karate Association

Jan Knobel 8th Dan began his karate training in Holland in 1970, where he was influenced by his Japanese instructor Miyazaki Satoshi 8th Dan to continue with a karate journey that would become his life.

Knobel sensei was a formidable tournament participant where he became Dutch National Champion on several occasions, JKA (Asai faction) European Champion, and finally JKA (Asai faction) World Champion 1996. He has also coached his squad through to places in several European and World Championships.

RENSHI Mohd. Rashid Ansari 7th Dan

Founder/President/Chief Instructor ISSKF

INTERNATIONAL SHOTOKAN SPORTS KARATE-DO FEDERATION is World based Karate Federtaion. It has affiliation from many world wide associations and federations like WJKA, KIO, AKF, WKF, IOC. We provide best class karate coaching with personal attention and care.

We provide affiliation and membership World Wide.